Najstarejša aktivna manekenka na svetu

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Daphne Selfe je najstarejša še aktivna manekenka na svetu. Letos je praznovala 90. let. V svoji karieri vztraja že od leta 1949. Za največje blagovne znamke v svetu mode kot so Dolce & Gabbana, Nivea, Olay …  je začela delati šele po svojem 70. letu.

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Being a model | What does it actually take to be a model? – – An article by BBC Entertainment Reporter Steven McIntosh – – I thought this recently published article on being a model gave a good insight into the modelling world from the view of a top modelling agency: Models1 who I have been with for the last 20 years, since being rediscovered at 70 years old. When I was signed I thought I might have a fun 6 months or so… – – Defining what makes a good model is more difficult than it sounds – – “I don’t like to think that we’re looking for one thing,” says Robyn Bright, a scout for the Models 1 agency, which is celebrating its 50th birthday this year. – – “If you find somebody who really just stands out when you see it, it’s quite amazing. – – “As a scout, it’s always the quiet one at the back of the really loud group of girls who are all caked in make-up, who’s probably not worked out how to do her face yet, and is really inconspicuous – it’s always that one that you see.” Bright is speaking from experience. – – Scouted herself outside Topshop on Oxford Street nearly 20 years ago, she built a successful modelling career before moving behind the camera to help find the next generation of models ………to continue reading click or tap in my profile or copy & paste:- – – If after reading the full article did you find out anything new about modelling and did anything surprise you? Do let me know in the comments as I'd love to hear! – – – #being a model #models1 #fashionmodelling #modelagencies #whatmodelagencieswant #roksanda

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Daphne Selfe je mama treh otrok in babica. Z manekenstvom se ukvarja že od svojega 21. leta. Takrat je zmagala na enem od lokalnih lepotnih tekmovanj. V svoji bogati karieri je sodelovala na različnih projektih. Od modnih revij pa do raznovrstnih oglasov. Leta 1954 se je poročila s TV producentom Jimom Smithom. Zaradi starševstva je za dolgo časa prekinila svojo kariero. Kasneje je njen mož zbolel in Daphne je skrbela zanj do njegove smrti leta 1997. Pri 70. Letih pa se je znova podala v modne vode. Od takrat naprej ji kariera le še raste. Sodeluje z znanimi podjetji. V načrtu za prihodnost ima, da doživi vsaj 100 let. Prepričana je, da ima v življenju srečo in svoje veselje želi širiti tudi s preostalimi ljudmi.